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How Microdosing Helped Me Treat Myself Better

First of all I want to emphasize that using the microdosing units was super easy with the scale, although after weighing twice I knew how much I needed. I myself took a higher dose than recommended and experienced very pleasant effects from it.

I myself have increased the twice daily dosage to a daily dosage. I went into it very openly with the thought, if I don't notice anything, then my physical health will definitely improve! And although I have had pleasant mental/emotional experiences, I still believe that my physical health has also improved.

One thing I experienced strongly was a kind of warm fuzzy feeling, which I also experienced when I took a normal, full dose, a bit like at the beginning of a mushroom trip. This kind of warm/fuzzy feeling generally lasted about 4/5 hours. My emotional state was generally very mild and open and I felt a bit floaty (without feeling like I had left the ground with my feet). So I noticed more openness on an emotional level, but also a greater feeling of love.

I noticed that the thoughts I usually had (I was working on a painting project at the time) were considerably more gentle and loving than 'normal'. Sometimes while working I notice that I lose a little awareness of my body and the moment, but with the microdosing of ER, I also felt more in my body.

Another thing I noticed is that as a result of feeling more (self) love, my habits also changed a bit. This was mainly because it inspired me to treat myself better in different ways. Eating better, moving better and in a conscious way, talking to myself and being more loving towards myself.

I have experienced some of the benefits described on the website myself. The elimination of negative thought patterns, a clearer vision, more motivation, higher productivity and more balance. I also lived more in the moment, a greater sense of unity, more peaceful feeling, greater intuition (the awareness of it, but also the expression of it and the trust in it).

I can also recommend microdosing in the therapeutic field, the therapeutic benefits actually go hand in hand with the above-mentioned benefits, but what I also experienced myself is more letting go of addictive behavior, less stress, less feeling of depression, less tension and a greater sense of emotional balance.

Although I worked hard during that time, I still benefited a lot from microdosing therapy and I can also identify with a greater 'inner harmony', a greater sense of well-being and more self-reflection.

It has been a while since I entered the microdosing phase and it has definitely helped me as one of the factors in my life to develop more self-love. This love also radiates to others.

All in all I can definitely recommend it, but as inspiration and not as a replacement for self-development. I think it is very important to do other earned practices in addition, such as meditation or other forms that bring you more into a state of relaxation and flow.


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