My emotions surfaced through microdosing
For quite some time I was researching the effects of Psilocybin. I am someone who first reads up on the subject before actually taking action. I have been using hormone ointment for years to keep my eczema under control, but I stopped using it at the beginning of this year because I started experiencing a lot of side effects. So I adjusted my diet and I am always looking for methods to speed up recovery. I experience a lot of discomfort from all the disrupted hormones (that could be due to the hormone ointment, although there is not much evidence for that in regular health care). I feel tired and absent, and was looking for a way to feel more peace and connection.
So finally I made the decision to do that via Earth Resonance, because their marketing and way of spreading the message really appealed to me. I was quite nervous to start, something I also tried to do with the highest respect for the Psilocyin and myself. I started carefully with 0.3 grams so as not to provoke anything. Then slowly increased by 0.1 gram every 2 days, but from the beginning I felt so restless on the off-days that I stopped after 2 weeks.
I think my body is not ready for that much change yet, and I need to respect that first before I can make the bigger changes in my life. My sister was also very interested in microdosing, and since there was still enough left, I offered it to her. Her story is completely different from mine, and I hope that I will experience this in the future when I am ready. This piece below is from her and I hope that both stories may inspire you in your search for connection with yourself and the world.
“Wow, Roos, that sounds good, maybe I should try that too…” Is one reaction that often comes back when I talk about my first microdosing experience. I talk about how much less fear and panic about unnecessary things there is in my body, how the 'noise' and unnecessary thoughts have disappeared like snow in the sun and that I feel much more centered in myself. That appeals to people, I notice. But apart from that, much more has happened.
I started microdosing after my brother couldn't quite get the hang of it. It was a shame to leave it lying around, so I took it over from him. Curious, I started building up the dosage until I finally reached my desired dosage, 0.8 grams. To find that, I also tried 0.9 twice. That turned out to be just a bit too much. At this dosage, I felt focused, but just a bit too much, which caused me to be pulled into myself and briefly unable to continue my work because an important part of myself wanted to be seen. This was a short and beautiful process with myself where I was allowed to experience the depth and also darkness in myself. But I realized that if this were to happen daily, I wouldn't get much done in terms of work. So, I scaled back to 0.8, and that worked perfectly.
In the beginning, the days that I didn't take a microdose were quite intense. I felt a bit tired, sometimes sad and other emotions came out of my system. For me, signs that the psilocybin was doing its work. Very concrete parts were pointed out that I had been struggling with for a while. And this brought it more to the surface for me to do something with. As the microdosing continued, those days in between felt calmer and the days flowed into each other more naturally. The days that I took it did feel clearly softer, more open and more focused. Where my head 'normally' shot in all directions when I was working on a task or talking to someone, now all focus was drawn to one task, or to the story of the person I was talking to, and I could really stay focused. I was busy with this and nothing else.
I experienced more space and peace in my system and my creativity also started to flow. This manifested itself in writing, drawing, painting and I kept surprising myself with what could come out of me if I just had my focus. Furthermore, making choices became easier because I came closer to my feelings. Things that I previously could not (or did not dare to) make a choice about suddenly became crystal clear. It felt like that, so that's how it is. As an HSP, this is a blessing because there are often so many stimuli that influence which choice you make (or do not make). Staying close to my center and choosing from your own feelings without outside influence is therefore also one of the advantages that I have experienced. The reins back in my own hands. What did I want again? In addition to these experiences during the day, the differences were also noticeable at night. My dreams seemed more realistic, clearer, also more focused on what I experienced during the day. It became clear which parts were playing on the surface and how they were processed at night and what I could learn from that. Dreams are often so random, but now they became crystal clear, so I could take them with me as insights during the day.
All in all, very satisfied with the results. I have now started my month of rest and am very curious whether the focus and other effects remain stable. Next month I will definitely start with the next microdose to discover what else I can surprise myself with. I am a fan and definitely recommend it to the person who is open to broadening the view inward and outward, who is looking for more focus and wants to experience less noise and more creativity.
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