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Definitely worth it! Fear of the future gone

After having a lot of interest in microdosing for a few years, I finally decided to do it. I had already ordered a package a few months ago, but by the time I wanted to start, the 'best before date' had already passed. (Super stupid, I didn't pay attention). But I figured it couldn't hurt, since it was nicely vacuum packed.

Actually I wanted to try it purely out of interest (not because I'm depressed, have anxiety attacks or anything). I did think it might help with the stress I've been experiencing lately because of the whole situation going on in the world right now. I'm very worried about the future.

Full of courage I started with the lowest dose of Psilocybin on day 1. I thought I noticed a slight tingling sensation from this, a kind of excitement. Exciting! Every other day I increased the dose, in the first few days sometimes a bit nauseous/hangover feeling. So the dosing was a bit of a puzzle in the beginning. Especially because the expiration date had actually just passed, the idea in my head that it might have decreased in strength a bit, no idea if this is really the case, but oh well ;)
After a week I was actually used to the substance and there were no more hangover feelings. Great!

As the days went by I started to notice that I felt very calm and peaceful in bouts, despite my worries about the future. Everything felt okay and nothing was really bad anymore.

The spiritual in me has really come to the surface during this period, which has given me more peace within myself. I feel like I'm turning from a caterpillar into a butterfly, and that creates acceptance and self-love. I then radiate that to others :)

Now my microdose month is over and I plan to start a new month at the beginning of the new year. This time with a fresh dose that is not 'past the date'. I wonder if I will notice more or have other experiences :)

In short, very satisfied! Definitely worth trying to see if it works for you.


This was a response to getting rid of trauma with microdoses that we couldn't withhold from you!

1 comment

  • Beste Earth Resonance,

    Ik heb een vraag m.b.t. de houdbaarheidsdatum. Ik heb namelijk een hele goede ervaring gehad met het product de eerste helft van de maand, maar daarna moest ik antibiotica slikken, waardoor ik de dosis niet af kon maken. Is het een goed idee een maand later alsnog de rest te gebruiken, of is het dan aan te raden een nieuwe portie te bestellen?

    Hartelijk dank en mvg,


    Hannah Rojer

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