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How I Found Myself Again With Microdosing

I started with earth resonance protocol after my first introduction to truffles during a healing weekend in Diemen where we did a truffle ceremony on day 1 and a huachuma ceremony on day 2.

After that I started to delve deeper into what truffles do and came up with the term microdosing.

After some more research online I ended up on the website of earth resoncance. This felt good to me. The reason why I started with the protocol is because of an inner process of spiritual growth and also to promote my emotional well-being. I have been working on personal development for years. I have done some NLP training courses such as heart, head and body where we worked on the chakras and systemic work basics and recently the deepening to get closer to my soul mission and to gain insight into my personal system of origin and what influence this has on me. I find this an interesting thing to discover. In these courses they also work a lot on an energetic level and I also certainly believe that the universe consists of vibrations and that you emit positive or negative vibrations through what you think, say and feel.

Together with my partner, we started the protocol last month. Our marriage has been very difficult for years. Our lives have accelerated since we first met. Children quickly arrived, we moved, renovated, etc. We had little time and energy to really be with each other. Somewhere I hoped that this process would bring us closer together. The first week we did a full moon meditation outside together. This was incredibly beautiful to do and very loving. Unfortunately, the problems we had all those years were decisive and we came to the realization that our paths would still diverge.

The earth resonance protocol helps me to enter into this process in love and where sadness certainly has a place, and of course may have a place, to still remain grateful for all the lessons we have learned from each other and the love we have shared for almost 10 years. It has helped me with new insights that a soul must follow its own path if you are prepared to make the choice to indeed follow your soul path. I can now be grateful for life again and look forward to the future even though it is still blank at the moment. I have no idea what my life will look like in the future, which is very scary for me and at the same time very exciting. I am more aware of the power of my breathing to give a place to the emotions that sometimes overtake me, which I used to be able to completely lose myself in. I can better observe the negative thought patterns that sometimes overtake me and no longer identify with them. I am not my emotion, I have an emotion. I feel that the protocol helps to stabilize these feelings of restlessness, which keeps me close to myself and that is exactly what I need in this period.


Love Daisy

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