My personal experience with Earth Resonance and ADHD
My name is Marie-Sofie. I would like to share my first experiences with Earth Resonance, Natural Psilocybine.
A month ago I started Microdosing for the first time and used Earth Resonance Natural Psilocybin. The delivery was fast with a clear explanation of how to use it, what to look out for, etc. There was an E-book manual and that gave sufficient explanation.
It is delivered in a vacuum bag of 15 grams, of which you weigh the dose yourself. You use it every other day, preferably in the morning. A small scale is handy, the kitchen scale turned out not to be accurate enough.
Quitting coffee was a bit of a thing. I thought I didn't drink much coffee but apparently enough to really suffer from it. I still don't drink coffee and I'm actually quite happy with it.
It took some time to find the right dosage/sweet spot. I ended up with 1.35 grams every other day. Once I found it, I also noticed the effects well. I slept very well, with nice dreams. When I woke up, I felt rested and cheerful. As someone with ADHD, calmness, concentration, overview and planning are not my strongest points and that is an understatement. One reason to try Microdosing with Earth Resonance was to see if this would change or perhaps improve. I can say that I was clear, structured and concentrated during the day. It will never go away completely, but it was of such a nature that even my colleagues noticed it. I received compliments about my letters and reports that were clearly, briefly and concisely described. I noticed that I no longer became stressed or irritated as quickly. It will not achieve the effect of ADHD medication, but the fact that Earth Resonance Natural Psilocybin is a natural product that takes enough of the sharp edges off the ADHD symptoms, is worth a lot to me personally.
When I was too high in the dosage, I noticed that I became more withdrawn and had more difficulty with contacts. When you don't have to do anything, that's not so bad of course, but if you work with people like I do, it's quite difficult. I noticed that I could really enjoy music or art. Being outside in the fresh air became a kind of daily necessity and something that just couldn't last long enough for me. Meditation became easier and was a pleasant addition to the whole. That effect lasted for about two to three weeks after the 30 days were over.
Long story short. I am satisfied. Satisfied with the ease of ordering, the delivery, the use, the explanation and the effect. I like having a Dutch product in my hands that has not traveled halfway around the world to get to my home. After a period of rest I will definitely continue with Microdosing and have found a pleasant supplier in Earth resonance.
Marie Sofie
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Hoi Ruud,
Het gaat nog steeds goed met mij. Ik heb hierna nog een andere truffel geprobeerd, de psylocybe atlantis. Die was weer heel anders. Goed voor mijn stemming maar weer minder goed voor mijn concentratie. Dit keer merkte mijn collega’s ook een verschil op maar meer in de trant van ‘ben je chagrijnig’ of ‘heb je er geen zin in vandaag’. Na een beetje zakken met de dosering (van 1,35 naar 1 gram) ging dat wel wat beter. Alleen die concentratie, die bleef echt achter.
Na mijn ‘pauze’ ga ik nog eens de Natural Psylocybe nemen om te zien of het echt dat verschil maakt (en het geen wishful thinking was)
Groet Marie Sofie
Hi Marie Sofie,
Dankjewel voor je mooie en eerlijke review. Ik heb het met genoegen zitten lezen, zelf heb ik namelijk ook ADHD en ben ik helaas al wat ouder en daarom wat terughoudender met nieuwe medicatie te proberen.
‘’maar het was wel van dien aard dat het zelfs mijn collega’s opviel.’’
Als je eens mijn reactie hieronder terug leest, ben ik benieuwd hoe het nu met je gaat? Zeker met de langer termijn effecten.
Mvg Ruud