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My personal experience with Earth Resonance and the benefits

My name is Saskia. About 3 months ago I started to feel like my life was stuck in certain areas. I was living on autopilot; work, Netflix and sleep. I have been doing a course since last year, but because of Corona all lessons are online, if you can even call them lessons. The gyms were also closed, so there was no movement either. Because of these circumstances my motivation dropped to -50. I didn't feel like doing anything anymore.

Also the nasty habit of drinking alcohol had crept back in and it started to get out of hand. I drank a little too often, a little too much.
I also ate very unhealthy and was
' too lazy ' to cook for myself.
I felt myself drifting further away from myself than ever before.

I also felt stuck on a spiritual level, blocked by my own destructiveness.

After realizing this I prepared myself for the full moon. During the full moon I wrote down goals and changes that I wish to see for myself.

Half a week later I'm scrolling through Facebook, you know how it is. Killing time. A sponsored message from Earth Resonance came by. The best microdose experience.
I had heard about microdosing before in my environment, but I had never really looked into it myself.
I started reading on the website what exactly the product entails. When I
started reading the health benefits almost all of these points hit me. It felt like the universe sent me this product to achieve my goals.

The days after I read the website almost every day, researched more about microdosing and discussed it with several friends. A friend and I decided to start this together and planned the exact date to start.

On August 3rd I took my first dose of 0.3g in the evening. Before taking it I wrote down intentions for myself. I also started keeping a log of how I feel about mood, body and work.
An hour after taking it I noticed that I was reading more attentively and I felt like the information I was reading was actually sinking in. That night I slept very restlessly, it felt like my body was asleep but my mind was awake.

The next day I didn't feel at my best, I felt weak, irritable and absent.

The next dose (0.44 gr) I took in the morning on an empty stomach. After taking it I meditated, had a healthy breakfast and did housework. This day felt considerably better than the first day. I felt good about myself and I was satisfied with who I am.

Day 4, I felt ready almost immediately after the alarm went off. Ready to start the day. (I normally have trouble getting out of bed). During the meditation that day, I gained insights into my ambitions. I also spent a few hours reading a book attentively that day (I didn't have the peace to do that before). This day, I feel satisfied, happy with myself and experience no stress at all.

For me the increase in dose by 0.1g was too slow so as a 3rd dose I took 0.66g and then went for a long walk of 3 hours in the woods. It was wonderful and everything felt peaceful and calm. I stood strong in my shoes and I felt happy. I noticed that I had much more energy during the day than before.

Finally I increased to 1.5g. After an hour I noticed I could see more details in the trees and my cat washing herself next to me. Followed by a huge energy boost from my core. I think this was the max dose.

Since I started microdosing, I have started eating healthier and more regularly. I have also started exercising again. I get up on time and really enjoy the days. I have motivation to do things and undertake things.
I meditate every day, from 10 minutes to 60 minutes. My head is empty and my feeling is calm. My colleagues
say I look ' zen ' and experience my presence as calm and pleasant.

I feel more in touch with my higher self.
I can almost tick off all of the ' Health benefits ' of Earth Resonance as fulfilled.

I experience this product as very positive and I plan to use it again in November.

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1 comment

  • Dankjewel voor je mooie bericht ik heb een soort gelijke ervaring gehad


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